Forget the Facelift: TempSure Tightens Skin With Non-Invasive Radiofrequency

January is the start of a new year, and for many people, that means setting goals that can have a positive impact on their lives — not just in 2019, but for years to come. For many people, that means making changes to the way they look so they can feel confident physically and mentally. As we age, we tend to focus more on reducing or eliminating some of the signs of aging, like loose, sagging facial skin, lines, and wrinkles.
While facelift surgery used to be the only way to rejuvenate skin and help your face look firmer and more youthful, today there’s a non-invasive method to tighten skin and reduce lines and other signs of aging. It’s called TempSure®, and it works by harnessing the power of radiofrequency (RF) energy to help skin replenish itself naturally over time.
The causes of facial aging
No matter what type of skin you have, one thing’s for sure: Over time, your skin is going to start to show the signs of age-related changes occurring deep beneath the surface. And a lot of those changes are directly and indirectly related to our production of natural collagen, one of the building blocks of healthy, youthful skin. When we’re young, we produce plenty of collagen, which binds together to form strong networks that act to support our skin so it feels smoother and firmer. Collagen also helps skin heal, and it works to help combat lines, wrinkles, and sagging. But as we age, our bodies slow down their production of collagen, which means skin doesn’t bounce back from the sun and other environmental damage, nor does it retain its smoothness and tonicity. Before we know it, our skin begins to sag, drawing down the cheeks and jowls and allowing lines and wrinkles to form, especially around the mouth and nose.
TempSure works to rejuvenate skin by “jump-starting” the body’s production of natural collagen, so skin looks and feels firmer and more youthful. Its patented RF delivery system increases the amount of heat energy that’s delivered to your skin so you can expect better results compared to other systems that use RF energy. The special TempSure applicator provides a gentle massage action to enable the energy to reach deeper layers of your skin more consistently. A special cooling feature also helps your skin stay protected and comfortable throughout the treatment. In addition to promoting enhanced collagen development and production, higher levels of RF energy also help “shrink” and tighten loose skin so it follows the more youthful contours of your face. Best of all, TempSure achieves all these benefits without anesthesia, incisions or surgical risks.
TempSure treatment: What to expect
During your treatment, Dr. Caridi uses a special handheld applicator to emit controlled streams of RF energy targeted at specific layers of your skin. The TempSure device is designed to emit the precise wavelengths of RF energy necessary for stimulating collagen production and gentle skin tightening. Most treatments take from 30 minutes to an hour.
The special applicator continually measures your skin’s temperature, automatically adjusting the RF energy level along with the cooling benefits so you stay comfortable and your skin stays protected. The automatic adjustment feature is so advanced, most patients experience only mild to moderate warming sensations in the treatment area throughout their session.
Once your treatment is complete, you’ll be free to go home and get back to your regular activities without any downtime. You can expect some mild redness or pinkness in your skin over the treatment area, but the effect is only temporary and it will resolve soon afterward. The rejuvenating effects initiated during your treatment begin right away, but because TempSure focuses on natural collagen remodeling, it can take a few weeks before you notice the initial results. Your skin will continue to show improvement for several weeks as collagen production ramps up and produces new, healthy networks to fill in wrinkles and lines and help your skin look and feel tighter, more toned and more resilient.
Let TempSure help you look younger without surgery
At Hampton Medical Associates, we want all our patients to love the way they look. With TempSure, you can reduce the signs of facial aging without surgery, so you look and feel more youthful, more energized, and more attractive. To learn more about TempSure, book an appointment online today.
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